Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Watoto Children's Choir

Hey everyone! This is just a reminder that the Watoto Children's Choir will be at Mountain View on Sunday, January 29 at all three services (8:30, 10:00, 11:30). They will be performing "Beautiful Africa". 

Millions of children throughout the continent of Africa are orphaned. Causes range from disease (AIDS), war, lack of clean water, etc. Watoto is an orphanage ministry based out of Kampala, Uganda that is addressing the problem and bringing HOPE to children. They currently care for over 1,500 children and 100 infants. Mountain View has been supporting the ministry since 2004 through financial support as well as child sponsorship from our church members. In 2008, we took our first mission trip to Uganda to build a schoolhouse at the ever-expanding campus. We went again in 2010 and are scheduled to leave in mid-June of this year.

We are so thankful to have the opportunity to host the Watoto Children's Choir as they share their stories of despair to hope!