Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Eve Services

Just a reminder that Christmas Eve Services will be held at:

3:00p, 4:15p, 5:30p, & midnight. 

We hope to see you there! Also, Christmas falls on a Sunday - there will be NO services on Sunday (well, except for the midnight service!). Christmas Eve service will be a full service.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Imagine Update

Pastor Rick with a video update on the progress of the building!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sermon: What is God Like? Week 1

Pastor Daniel begins a new series titled What is God Like?. We look at Exodus 3:11-17 and discuss who God is to us.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What is God Like? NEW Sermon Series

Beginning this Sunday we take a look at God through the Bible. God was given many names throughout Scripture; what do they mean? What is God like?
Don't miss out on this awesome new series!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Always Imagine

This past Sunday we finished up the Imagine series where we discussed the future of Mountain View and what it means to live a life of sacrifice and with eternity in mind. Pastor Rick also asked the church family to make a commitment to the Imagine Building Initiative. For 12 months, let's invest (sacrificially - above and beyond our normal tithing) in the building fund. We are "busting at the seams" right now with our current facilities. Prayerfully consider a commitment to our future!

For more information, and to fill out a commitment card, we have set up a website specifically for the Imagine Initiative:

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sermon: Imagine 1

It's our first week of the Imagine series. See what God has done, is doing, and will do at and through Mountain View Family Church.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sermon: Making it Through Difficult Times - Dealing with Unfairness

Pastor Rick continues the series through I Peter discussing the issue of unfairness. He looks to the example of Christ.  I Peter 2:13-25.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sermon: Making it Through Difficult Times - The Fight of Your Life

Pastor Daniel speaks this week in part four of the "Making it Through Difficult Times" series. He shares from I Peter 2:4-12. *All sermons can be downloaded for free on our church website (click here).

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Reflections on Latvia

Porfirio with his drum students
Here is a guest post from Porfirio Caldera who was a part of the Latvia Mission Team:

I received an email about the Latvia Mission trip a few months before my summer began. At first I disregarded it thinking “ I can not afford this” and quickly decided I was not going to go. I found out God had a different plan for me. Before I knew it, everything had come together in a matter weeks and I was part of the Latvia team. I did not know what to expect, I have been a youth leader for multiple junior high summer camps before, 
but this was going to be something completely new. 

The camp experience was one I had never experienced before. Using music as a tool we were all building relationships with the Latvian youth and connecting in ways I had never imagined. I saw one of the campers was so touched by us that everyday he would make sure to tell us that he was our best friend. He felt especially close to one of the MVFC team leaders that even during the most unexpected times he would make sure to tell him in his broken english “Hey man, you my best friend.” 

One thing that really amazed me was the hunger the campers had for Christ. They were like sponges, soaking up every message, always wanting to know more. It was amazing to know that us as a team were all making a difference in the daily lives of these kids. It was a feeling that only through God’s work could be felt and nothing else in the world could compare. Through this trip I felt myself grow in areas that needed work. For example I found myself trusting in god with things I had trouble letting go of before. I realized that if I put not 75% in him but 100% of my trust in him, even in the smallest of things, I was well taken care of and everything would turn out for the best. 

There is something different we each took from the mission trip but I think that as a whole team we learned how much of an impact we could all really make. We all realized how important it is to do mission trips. The Latvia Mission Trip 2011 wasn’t just about helping out at youth camp. It was about changing lives, future generations and a whole nation, one youth at a time. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Are You Ready for August?

August is just about here...are you ready? School is starting up, and here at Mountain View, we hit the ground running. You don't want to miss out! Here's a look at what's coming up around the church:

If you're new to MVFC here are two events for you:
Meet the Staff Luncheon
August 14 @ 12:45pm. Get to know the staff and Story of MVFC. FREE. Click HERE to register.

Four Pillars of MVFC [church orientation class]
August 24 @ 6:30pm. Get to know the mission, vision, and doctrine of MVFC. Click HERE to register.

Bible Studies, Elective Classes and More:
12 Ordinary Men: The Lives and Stories of the Apostles
Sundays during 10am Service. Beginning August 7.  This is a 10-week class. Click HERE to register.

Wednesday Family Nights
Family Night resumes beginning August 10. 6:30p - 7:30p. Classes available: nursery, Kidz Alive!, Hot Shots, Jr. High, and adults.

Parenting 101
Sundays during 10am Service. Beginning August 14. This is a 6-week class. Click HERE to register.

Lies Women Believe & the Truth That Sets Them Free
Women's Bible Study. Sundays at 6:30pm. Beginning August 14. Click HERE to register.

Man 2 Man
Men's Bible Study. Wednesdays at 6:30pm. Beginning August 10. Click HERE to register.

Student Ministry Events
Kidz Alive! Back 2 School Blast
preschool - 5th grade. Sunday August 21. 1pm - 3pm. $2. Food, games, and water fun!!! Sign up in the Kidz Alive Center.

Jr. High Back 2 School All-Nighter
August 5-6  8:30pm - 7:00am. $15. Games, pizza, movies, raffles, guest speaker, and more! Sign up in the youth room.

Sr. High Party in the Pit [Back 2 School Bash]
Friday, August 26. 6:30pm - 10pm. $5 (friends FREE) A night of messy, spontaneous fun, food & friends. Sign up in the youth room.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Latvia Camp Completed!

This is a bittersweet time here in Latvia. Our camp is officially over! We put on a concert for the families and friends of the campers sharing all of the songs that we learned over our week at camp. There was so much that happened it will be sort of hard to share everything. We made so many friendships formed over the week. We were impacted by this camp just as much as the campers were!

As we stated earlier, we put on a music/arts camp. Through teaching instruments, drama, and dance we were able to use that time to get to know the campers and form good relationships with them. Although that was the "purpose" of the camp, our real goal was to build relationships in order to share Christ with them. We had 30 students at the camp and 13 of them came to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior! This camp was so worth it!

Another great part of working with Josiah Venture (the missions organization that set this up) is that they partnered with a local church (for this camp it was St. Matthew's Church). So, we have confidence that the students who came to know Christ are not going to be left to figure things out on their own. They are encouraged and invited to attend St. Matthew's Church where they can be discipled by other Christians. Most of the students do not know anyone who is a Christian, so we are very thankful for Miks, the youth pastor at Matthew's Church who attended camp with us. He will help disciple the kids who came to know Jesus.

Continue to pray for Latvia along with us: for the students who attended camp, for the missionaries who are at it 24/7, and for the local church there!

Here are some pictures from the end of camp:

Monday, July 11, 2011

Latvia Camp Underway!

Hello everyone! The Latvia mission team are into their third day of camp and everything is going great! Please continue to keep everyone in your prayers as they minister to the campers and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Here is what a typical day looks like at camp:
  • Leader Meeting & Prayer 8:30a
  • Breakfast 9:30a
  • Morning Session 10a
  • Workshops (music & arts) 11a
  • Choir Practice 12:30p
  • Lunch 1:30p
  • Free Time 2p
  • Group Games 3:30p
  • Choir Practice 4:30p
  • Dinner 6p
  • Evening Session (Ray shares a lesson, students share testimonies) 7p
  • Activity 8:30p
  • Lights Out 11p
Our mission team runs the workshops, sessions, games, and activities. Needless to say, they are keeping very busy! The camp runs through next Sunday (7/17). Through the busyness, pray that our team can really build strong relationships with the campers and share Christ with boldness! Here are some pictures from the camp:


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sermon: Making it Through Difficult Times - Pain

Pastor Rick kicked off a new sermon series today: Making it Through Difficult Times. This series will be a study through the book of I Peter.

* You can download the audio from the sermons on our church website.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sveicieni no Latvija! (Greetings from Latvia!)

The Latvia Mission team is in Latvia! They departed from Phoenix at 7am on July 4th and arrived in Riga, Latvia at 2:30pm on July 5th. Everybody is doing well, but a little tired. The first few days in Riga were to get over the jet lag, do some sight seeing, meet the missionaries they are working with, and have some orientation meetings in preparation for the camp.

The Fusion Camp begins July 10 and runs through July 17. Continue to pray for the team as they prepare to share the Gospel with the students at the camp and that everyone has a great time! Here are some pictures from the first few days of the trip:

Thursday, June 30, 2011

About Latvia & Josiah Venture

About Latvia
Size: 64,000 sq. km.  (roughly the size of West Virginia)
Borders: Baltic Sea, Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Lithuania
Population: 2.2 million
Capital: Riga (Ree guh) 712,000 people
Ethnicity: Latvian 59%, Russian 27%, Belorusian 4%, other 7%
Average Salary: $14,000
Unemployment: 16%
Evangelical Christian: 2%

Riga was founded in AD 1201; however, its people were ruled by outside powers (Germany, Poland, Sweden, Russia, Germany) until it finally gained independence in 1918 - after WWI. When the Second World War started The Soviet Union took control of Latvia. Nazi Germany gained control for 1 year during the war, but the Soviets won out. Latvia finally gained independence during the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

The Soviet rule did a lot of damage to the Latvian culture. Christianity was abolished, thousands of Latvians were deported to Siberia, and many Russians were sent in to break its culture. Now, in 2011 evangelical Christians are at 2%, most of whom are young people.

Josiah Venture: Missions Organization in Eastern Europe

Josiah Venture was founded in 1992 to serve Eastern Europe just after the fall of the Iron Curtain. They started and are based out of the Czech Republic. They currently have missionaries serving in 11 countries in Eastern Europe. Josiah Venture began working in Latvia in 2003. Their vision is:
This is the vision of Josiah Venture, a vision for a movement of God among the youth of Eastern Europe that finds its home in the local church and transforms society. Our mission and calling is to equip young leaders to fulfill Christ’s commission by reaching and making disciples. More than just conversion, we want to see passionate followers of Jesus Christ, with a vision to reach and disciple their generation for Him.
During the summers, Josiah Venture partners with local church youth groups to help put on summer camps (sports camps, English learning camps, and Fusion (music & arts) camps. This is what our group will be a part of from July 4 - 19.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fall Semester Electives

We kick off our fall semester Electives beginning in August! We will be offering at least 8 electives / Bible Studies that cover various topics and issues. Here are the electives that are open for registration at this point:

  • 12 Ordinary Men: The Life & Story of the Apostles
  • Parenting 101
  • Man 2 Man - Every Man's Battle Bible Study
  • Lies Women Believe & the Truth That Sets Them Free Bible Study
  • Fresh Start: New Believers Class
  • S.H.A.P.E.: Discovering the Unique Purpose God has for Your Life
  • Foundations of the Faith: Discipleship Class
Dates, times, and length of classes are all located on the church website. To be a part of a class you must register online or at Guest Services. Click HERE to view and register for the classes!

If you have any question please email Pastor Daniel, the GROW pastor at MVFC.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sr. High Latvia Mission

On July 4, students from the Sr. High group will be heading to Latvia for a 2 1/2 week mission trip. They will be putting on a music & arts camp, and through the camp they will share about Christ with the students. 
Every day, students will have the opportunity to learn how to play instruments, do dramas, learn photography, and dance. Our team will be leading these workshops and along the way they will be building relationships with the students. During the day the team will also run rec time and free time activities. Each evening Ray (Sr. High director) will share a lesson from the Bible, our students will share testimonies and dramas, and there will be small groups to talk about Christ more in depth.
Pray for our team that they will have boldness in sharing Christ and being outgoing to build relationships with the campers. Pray that the campers will be willing to hearing the Gospel message. Pray for the team in its travels and unity.
Stay tuned for updates from the mission field!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Jr. High Camp Follow-up

Jr. High Summer Camp was such an AMAZING experience. We had 30 students and 6 leaders from our church along with 250 campers from other churches around Arizona. We spent the week at United Christian Youth Camp, and our theme was Cannonball: Going All In.

Each day we would have a morning session and an evening session where we would talk about what it meant to be a follower of Jesus. After the sessions students had solo time where they were given some verses to read and answer questions. We also had small groups so the students could share about what they read, what they were going through, and what they were learning.

During the week we also had a lot of fun activities. Some included: kayaking, hiking, swimming, a rock wall with a zip line, paintball, and much more! It was great seeing students conquering their fears and trying some of the activities.

This was a great week and I'm sure everyone was impacted. Two students accepted Jesus as their Lord & Savior (!!!) and 14 students recommitted their relationships with God!

Thank you for your prayers for the team. It was a great time and it's exciting to be building momentum going into the new semester.

Here are some pictures from the week:

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sermon: 30 Days to Live - Living the Dash

Pastor Daniel begins a new series titled, "30 Days to Live". In session 1 he talks about Living the Dash. On our tombstones we have a date of birth, a dash, and then the date of death. It's what takes place in the dash that is so important.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sermon - Tim Hightower

Friend Day with Tim Hightower. Pastor Rick interviews Tim Hightower of the Arizona Cardinals. Tim shares his testimony on faith, football and family.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Jr. High Summer Camp

Jr. High camp is coming up this Sunday! We'll be leaving after church at around 1pm. This is our largest group yet...35 students in all and 6 leaders. We are heading up to United Christian Youth Camp in Prescott from Sunday - Friday. It is going to be an amazing time and great weather!

The theme at the camp this summer is Cannonball. When you think of a cannonball you picture someone jumping right in to the deep end and making a big splash. This week the students have the opportunity to do a cannonball - to completely immerse themselves in their relationship with Christ. It's a perfect opportunity for everyone to focus on God without having to deal with all of the distractions back at home (tv, internet, relationships, family, etc...)

Please be praying for the students that they will take full advantage of the time at camp to build on their relationships with each other as a youth group and with Christ. Pray also for the leaders that they will know how to best minister to every student there.

It will definitely be a life-changing trip for everyone attending!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Work begins

On of the people we have helped is Mr. Roberts. He lost his trailer and had several fallen trees on his property. He is limited in what he can do due to injuries sustained in war. Our crew began working on removing the fallen trees with chainsaws and cleaning up the area. We also helped a man named Mr. Cox. His father died in the storm, and he needed help cleaning up debris on his property. Tiffany Smith headed up some of the work at Sav-A-Life. She, along with some of the ladies and younger children were able to organize the donations the the church delivered as well as donations that have been coming in throughout the country. Here are some pictures from the work sites:

Continue praying for the team and the work they are involved in! They should arrive back at Mountain View on Saturday afternoon.