Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Jr. High Camp Follow-up

Jr. High Summer Camp was such an AMAZING experience. We had 30 students and 6 leaders from our church along with 250 campers from other churches around Arizona. We spent the week at United Christian Youth Camp, and our theme was Cannonball: Going All In.

Each day we would have a morning session and an evening session where we would talk about what it meant to be a follower of Jesus. After the sessions students had solo time where they were given some verses to read and answer questions. We also had small groups so the students could share about what they read, what they were going through, and what they were learning.

During the week we also had a lot of fun activities. Some included: kayaking, hiking, swimming, a rock wall with a zip line, paintball, and much more! It was great seeing students conquering their fears and trying some of the activities.

This was a great week and I'm sure everyone was impacted. Two students accepted Jesus as their Lord & Savior (!!!) and 14 students recommitted their relationships with God!

Thank you for your prayers for the team. It was a great time and it's exciting to be building momentum going into the new semester.

Here are some pictures from the week:

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