Thursday, June 2, 2011

Jr. High Summer Camp

Jr. High camp is coming up this Sunday! We'll be leaving after church at around 1pm. This is our largest group yet...35 students in all and 6 leaders. We are heading up to United Christian Youth Camp in Prescott from Sunday - Friday. It is going to be an amazing time and great weather!

The theme at the camp this summer is Cannonball. When you think of a cannonball you picture someone jumping right in to the deep end and making a big splash. This week the students have the opportunity to do a cannonball - to completely immerse themselves in their relationship with Christ. It's a perfect opportunity for everyone to focus on God without having to deal with all of the distractions back at home (tv, internet, relationships, family, etc...)

Please be praying for the students that they will take full advantage of the time at camp to build on their relationships with each other as a youth group and with Christ. Pray also for the leaders that they will know how to best minister to every student there.

It will definitely be a life-changing trip for everyone attending!

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